VIDEO: Montgomery County’s Plan to End HIV & STIs: 2022 Update (07/02/2022)
This training event was originally scheduled for Tuesday June 7th at 6pm but has since been rescheduled for Tuesday June 28th from 12pm-1pm ET.
Montgomery County is a Phase I Ending the HIV Epidemic jurisdiction. This training will provide an overview of the County's HIV and STI epidemics, its Plan to End HIV, and elucidate the critical role of primary care providers in the plan.
This event is the third in a webinar series focusing on primary care providers in Montgomery County Maryland. Primary care providers play a critical role in Montgomery County’s Plan to End HIV by 2030. The Pride in Sexual Health Mini-Symposium is a web-based, CME/CEU-backed educational series designed to build primary care clinicians’ knowledge, skills and practice to support early HIV diagnosis, effective treatment and prevention. The series will conclude with a full-day, in-person, facilitated practicum at the Silver Spring Civic Center, where participants will have opportunities to practice their new skills with role play, small group discussion, standardized patients, and case study.
Primary Care and other clinicians practicing in Montgomery County, MD
Contact person
Emily Halden Brown, Ending the HIV Epidemic Program Manager, Montgomery County HHS,
Targeted Populations
A variety of the listed populations will be discussed at this event.
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or LatinX
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual
To register for other events in Montgomery County's Pride in Sexual Health series::
A variety of the listed topics will be discussed at this event.
- HIV Epidemiology
- Linkage to Care
- Retention and/or re-engagement in care
- Primary care screenings
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Stigma or discrimination