Describe the Age-Friendly Public Health Systems (AFPHS) movement and Age Friendly Health Dept.
Identify the 6Cs of the AFPHS Framework and how they integrate with HIV and aging
1.Creating and leading policy, systems, and environmental changes to improve older adult health and well-being.
2.Connecting and convening multi-sector stakeholders to address the health and social needs of older adults through collective impact approaches focused on the social determinants of health.
3.Coordinating existing supports and services to help older adults, families, and caregivers navigate and access services and supports, avoid duplication, and promote an integrated system of care.
4.Collecting, analyzing, and translating relevant and robust data on older adults to identify the needs and assets of a community and inform the development of interventions through community-wide assessment.
5.Communicating important public health information to promote and support older adult health and well-being, including conducting and disseminating research findings, and emerging and best practices to support healthy aging.
6.Complementing existing health promoting programs to ensure they are adequately meeting the needs of older adults.