17th Graying of HIV Symposium
Starts at: September 9, 2022 9:00am ET
Ends at: September 9, 2022 3:30pm ET
Free Admission

Symposium Objectives:
- Identify the complexities of care for older adults with HIV (COVID 19 as a Comorbidity)
- Identify aging assessments that can be included in HIV care
- Describe how public health can inform an Age-Friendly Society
- Identify national health policy efforts for persons aging with HIV
- Describe the challenges and successes of Long Term Thrivers
Targeted Audience: clinicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, allied health professionals, long-term thrivers
Contact person: Dorcas Baker at dbaker4@jhu.edu
CEUS: pending
Targeted Populations
A variety of the listed populations will be discussed at this event.
- Older Adults (ages 50 and over)
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or LatinX
- Women
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual
- Rural populations
17th Annual Graying of HIV Symposium Final.pdf:

Eugenia Siegler Integrating Aging Assessments.pdf:

National HIV AIDS Strategy R Johnson Sept 09 2022.pdf:

Megan Wolfe Age Friendly Public Health_TFAH_090922_Final.pdf:

A variety of the listed topics will be discussed at this event.
- Aging and HIV
- Antiretroviral treatment adherence, including viral load suppression
- Mental health disorders
- Non-infection comorbidities of HIV and viral hepatitis
- Osteoporosis
- Pain management
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Substance use disorders
- Tobacco cessation
- Cultural competence
- Stigma or discrimination
- Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility
- Care coordination
- Quality Improvement