EHE Series: HIV Care Continuum for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

This series welcomes healthcare professionals working in the field of HIV. This is the first training of our 4 part series, which was created in collaboration with the MidAtlantic AETC Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Workgroup. This series will allow participants to develop awareness of special populations and how to use trauma-informed practices to enhance HIV care, treatment, and prevention in underserved, stigmatized populations.
For more information on this series, visit:
This program will address the elements of continued care for formerly incarcerated individuals with HIV who are re-integrating into the community.
Jennifer Aldrich, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine
Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University
Temple University Hospital
- Compare and contrast local jails and state/federal prisons and the role of correctional medicine.
- Review the demographics of HIV and other comorbidities of individuals that are incarcerated
- Discuss HIV testing, transmission, prevention, and treatment options specific to those who are incarcerated
- Discuss best practices and approaches for engaging formerly incarcerated individuals with HIV in healthcare and social services
- Identify strategies to address barriers to HIV care faced during incarceration, upon release and after release.
In order to receive a certificate of attendance or continuing education, all required evaluations must be completed in a timely manner. Please check in closer to the date of the event in regard to CEUs being offered for this program.
*The MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Approver Unit an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This event is eligible for 1.0 credit hours.
Social Work:
This training is co-sponsored by the Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research for maximum of 1.0 credit hours. As a CSWE accredited program, Bryn Mawr College GSSWSR is a pre-approved provider of continuing education for Social Workers in Pennsylvania and many other states. Supported by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau, Office of Program,#U1OHA29295
Certificate of Attendance:
Continuing Education credits issued for participation in CE activity may not apply toward license renewal in all states. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify the requirements of their state licensing board(s).
Intended Audience
All healthcare professionals, including case managers, patient navigators and clinicians.
Targeted Populations
A variety of the listed populations will be discussed at this event.
- People with Incarceration Experience
A variety of the listed topics will be discussed at this event.
- Antiretroviral treatment adherence, including viral load suppression
- HIV diagnosis (i.e. HIV testing)
- Linkage to Care
- Retention and/or re-engagement in care
- Substance use disorders
- Stigma or discrimination
- Cultural Competency/Cultural Humility
- Community linkages