Empowering First Responders: Medication-Assisted Treatment and HIV Care Education for Emergency Response
***Please note this event will provide continuing education credit for EMS workers in Pennsylvania, however EMS workers in other states are also encouraged to attend and will be able to receive a certificate of attendance if all requirements are completed.***
If you are interested in attending or holding a similar event for your team please contact us at maaetc@pitt.edu.
Nick Szubiak, MSW, LCSW
- Define Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and harm reduction in relation to HIV prevention and care.
- Identify benefits, challenges, and best practices of MAT.
- Discuss approaches for reducing barriers to medication access and improving substance use support in people with or at risk for HIV.
In order to receive a certificate of attendance or continuing education credit, all required evaluations must be completed within three days of the training and EMS certification number MUST be provided.
EMS ConED: The MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center is approved as a provider of emergency medical services continuing educational development. This event is eligible for 1.5 credit hours.
In order to receive EMS credits, you must provide your certification number.
In order to receive EMS credits, you will need to complete this evaluation within 72 hours of the completion of this training.
Certificate of Attendance: With completion of the required evaluations, participants can receive a certificate of attendance from the MAAETC.
Continuing Education credits issued for participation in CE activity may not apply toward license renewal in all states. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify the requirements of their state licensing board(s). Certificates will be emailed out 3-6 weeks after the evaluation period has closed.
Funding for this presentation was made possible in part by TR7HA53201-01-00 from the Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Any trade/brand names for products mentioned during this presentation are for training and identification purposes only.
Intended Audience
Please note this event will provide continuing education credit for EMS workers in Pennsylvania, however EMS workers and other healthcare professionals in other states are also encouraged to attend and will be able to receive a certificate of attendance if all requirements are completed.
A variety of the listed topics will be discussed at this event.
- Behavioral Prevention
- Harm Reduction/Safe Injection
- Treatment as Prevention (e.g., U=U)
- HIV diagnosis (i.e. HIV testing)
- Linkage to Care
- Medication-assisted therapy for substance use disorders (i.e. buprenorphine, methadone, and/or naltrexone)
- Substance use disorders
- Opioid use disorder
- Trauma-informed care